ANNEE 1962


2 janvier 1962 : Siegfried. Metropolitan Opera de New York. Leinsdorf. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). London. Madeira. Kuen. Herbert. Frick.

Review of Robert Sabin in Musical America

This uncut "Siegfried" was full of delightful discoveries. I can offer Erich Leinsdorf no higher praise than to say that the beautiful playing of the orchestra brought back may vivid memories of Fritz Stiedry's inspired interpretation of this score. Nowhere was Wagner's miraculous sense of color and atmosphere more subtly employed than in this music, which stirs the intellect as it intoxicates the senses.

All of the members of the cast were new to their roles at the Metropolitan, except Miss Madeira and Mr. Herbert, and all of them were excellent. Mr. Hopf could not, in the nature of things, look like a young hero, but he sang and acted like one, with a full understanding of his marvelous musical opportunities. The pathos of the orphaned boy, his horror of evil and his need for love were very real to this fine singer and artist.

It needed no more than the awakening to stamp Miss Nilsson's Siegfried Brünnhilde as one of the great ones of all time. The plastique was memorably beautiful and her tones poured forth with a freshness, gleam and abundance that kept one tingling with amazement. Her final high C, instead of an agonized effort, was a rapturous outburst. Like Mr. Hopf, she was aware every second of what she was singing about, and it is a sad commentary on Wagnerian standards that I should have to single this as a rare virtue.

5 janvier 1962 : Die Gotterdammerung. Metropolitan Opera de New York. Leinsdorf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Hopf. Cassel. Kuchta. Frick. Dalis. Herbert.

8 janvier 1962 : Turandot. Metropolitan Opera de New York. Adler. Birgit Nilsson (Turandot). Konya. Amara. Giaiotti. De Paolis.

Review of Miles Kastendieck in the New York Journal-American

Konya Equal to 'Turandot'

Sandor Konya sang his first Calaf in Puccini's "Turandot" at the Metropolitan last night. Looking every inch a prince and acting as such, he had the quality of voice to make the role quite real. Other tenors have had more brilliance for their top notes but have not sung with any more finesse. His was a performance that met the challenge of the rule successfully and left a satisfying impression of fitting nicely into it.

He was impressive in posing his question to the haughty Turandot after answering hers so triumphantly in the second act. Then, in the Palace Garden, he proved himself quite equal to the interpretation demanded and sang the last part of the scene with lyric grace. The audience obviously liked him.

Sustaining its top-billing as one of the thrilling performances the Met offers, "Turandot" varies little in general effectiveness as the season progresses. This fourth performance found Kurt Adler conducting with more musical control than dramatic intensity. He has a tendency to let the orchestral play too loud. Singers and conductor were not always together, and the offstage chorus strayed from strict timing. He conducts a faithful, straightforward performance.

Birgit Nilsson continues to dazzle everybody with her brilliant singing of the title role. It is difficult to get perspective on her because she maintains a standard of excellence with remarkable consistency. Not to hear her is to miss a great moment in opera these days.

13 janvier 1962 : Siegfried. Metropolitan Opera de New York. Leinsdorf. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). London. Madeira. Kuen. Herbert. Frick. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 siegfried new york

20 janvier 1962 : Concert New York. Leopold Stokowski, Philadelphia Orchestra, Birgit Nilsson, George London. Ci-dessous, la scène finale du CREPUSCULE DES DIEUX.

21 janvier 1962 : TRISTAN UND ISOLDE (BBC THIRD PROGRAMME) Music-drama in three acts by RICHARD WAGNER sung in German on gramophone records Chorus of the GESELLSCHAFT DER MUSIKFREUNDE VIENNA PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Conducted by Georg Solti. A SAILOR: Waldemar Kmentt. ISOLDE. daughter of the King of Ireland: Birgit Nilsson. NE, her attendant: Regina Resnik. KURWENAL, Tristan's henchman: Tom Krause. Tristan, nephew of Marke: Fritz Uhl. MELOT, false friend of Tristan: Ernst Kozub. MARKE, King of Cornwall: Arnold Van Mill. A SHEPHERD: Peter Klein. A STEERSMAN: Theodor Kirschbichler.

27 janvier 1962 : Die Gotterdammerung. Metropolitan Opera de New York. Leinsdorf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Hopf. Mittelmann. Kuchta. Frick. Dalis. Herbert. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 die gotterdammerung new york

31 janvier 1962 : Tosca. Metropolitan Opera de New York. Adler. Birgit Nilsson (Floria Tosca). Corelli. Colzani.

The reign of an unpredictable queen makes fascinating history and Birgit Nilsson's first Tosca last night at the Metropolitan Opera worked wonders with the soprano's vocal and emotional chemistry.

Unlike queens of nations, more than one may reign in an opera house, and Miss Nilsson has without doubt earned the title in the Wagnerian wing, and as Turandot. But Puccini's princess is an iceberg, and Wagner's ladies are either warriors, or odd in other ways. Most of them too removed from 20th century thinking to be taken seriously as typical women in love.

A Luscious Voice

Puccini's realism thus challenged Miss Nilsson as an actress, and her dramatic success as well as her vocal opulence made this one of the most exciting Toscas in recent years. Surprisingly, enough, Miss Nilsson to this listener vas more thrilling as Scarpia's murderer than as Tristan's distraught princess.

The soprano's voice has always displayed a meteoric brilliance but as Tosca it became luscious. And she acted with an impassioned intensity that brought her ovations from the dressy non-subscription audience. The performance, sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, was a benefit for the Met's production fund.

Tempting and Tempestuous

Though the size and radiance of Miss Nilsson's voice has caused her to be cast in, the heavy Wagnerian roles, she is actually more of a lyric-dramatic soprano than a true dramatic. Thus, by nature she was an ideal Tosca, while the role also, fortunately, inspired her to be a tempting and tempestuous woman. During the first
act she was finding her way, but by the second she sang with a voluptuous variety of color and dynamics. While her singing can still use more nuance in the Italian manner, her first portrayal of the role can still be considered a triumph.

Corelli the Prima Donna

Fortunately the four spit curls which tenor Franco Corelli had glued to each side of his handsome face couldn't be seen except at very close range. His height made him a proper foil for Miss Nilsson and he sang with healthy resonance and secure, ringing high notes which he held too long. He was he prima donna of the evening, Miss Nilsson, the great artist. Anselmo Colzani made an excellent Scarpia, sinister and vocally vibrant. Kurt Adler conducted with vigor.

24 février 1962 : Turandot. Metropolitan Opera de New York. Adler. Birgit Nilsson (Turandot). Corelli. Albanese. Flagello. De Paolis. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 turandot new york

1 mars 1962 : Turandot. Metropolitan Opera de New York. Adler. Birgit Nilsson (Turandot). Konya. Stratas. Wilderman. De Paolis.

18 mars 1962 : Concert Birgit Nilsson, Symphony Hall (Boston)

25 mars 1962 : Concert Birgit Nilsson, Carnegie Hall (New York). Présentation de Félix Gerstman. Birgit Nilsson / Léo Taubman (piano). Divinita infernal (Alceste), An die Musik, Aufloesung, Seligkeit (Schubert), Freundliche Vision, Zueignung (Richard Strauss), Traume, Schmerzen (Wagner), The tryst, spring is flying, sigh sedges sigh, black roses (Sibelius).

13 avril 1962. Tristan und Isolde. Londres Royal Opera House Covent Garden. Schmidt-Isserstedt. Birgit Nilsson (Isolde). Hoffman. Kraus. Windgassen. Evans. Ward.

3 mai 1962 : Turandot. Scala de Milan. Votto. Birgit Nilsson (Turandot). Mercuriali. Modesti. Corelli. Carteri.

1961 turandot milan

6 mai 1962 : Turandot. Scala de Milan. Votto. Birgit Nilsson (Turandot). Mercuriali. Modesti. Corelli. Carteri.

8 mai au 5 novembre 1962 : Siegfried. Vienne, Sofiensaal. ENREGISTREMENT STUDIO. Solti. Windgassen. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Stolze. Hotter. Neidlinger. Bohme. Hoffgen.

1962 siegfried solti

31 mai 1962 : WIENER FESTWOCHEN 1962 SONDERKONZERT DER WIENER PHILHARMONIKER. Hans Knappertsbusch, Birgit Nilsson. Réalisation : Hermann Lanske. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 wiener festwochen

1 juin 1962 : Die Walkure. Staatsoper Vienne. Karajan. Windgassen. Kreppel. Hotter. Rysanek. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Rossel-Majdan.

3 juin 1962 : Siegfried. Staatsoper Vienne. Karajan. Windgassen. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Hotter. Pernerstorfer. Klein. Roth-Ehrang. Rossel-Majdan.

6 juin 1962 : Die Gotterdammerung. Staatsoper Vienne. Karajan. Windgassen. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Brouwenstijn. Frick. Wiener. Pernerstorfer. Hoffman.

9 juin 1962 : Un ballo in maschera. Royal Opera de Stockholm. Folke Nilsson. Ulfung. Hasslo. Birgit Nilsson (Amelia). Lundborg. Tyren. Ericson.

12 juin 1962 : Die Walkure. Royal Opera de Stockholm. Gielen. Hoiseth. Tyren. Bjorling. Nordmo-Lovberg. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Ericson.

16 juin 1962 : Tristan und Isolde. Staatsoper Vienne. Karajan. Windgassen. Hotter. Birgit Nilsson (Isolde). Wiener. Braun. Rossel-Majdan.

18 juin 1962 : Turandot. Staatsoper Vienne. Molinari-Pradelli. Birgit Nilsson (Turandot). Klein. Guthrie. Konya. Gueden.

21 juin 1962 : Turandot. Staatsoper Vienne. Molinari-Pradelli. Birgit Nilsson (Turandot). Klein. Guthrie. Konya. Gueden

28 juin 1962 : WINGS OF SONG (BBC HOME SERVICE) Records of famous singers. This week: Mario del Monaco, Birgit Nilsson, Bernard Ladysz

24 juillet 1962 : Tristan und Isolde. Festival de Bayreuth. Bohm. Windgassen. Greindl. Birgit Nilsson (Isolde). Waechter. Moeller. Meyer. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 tristan und isolde bayreuth

30 juillet 1962 : Siegfried. Festival de Bayreuth. Kempe. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Klaus. Wiener. Kraus. Roth-Ehrang. Hoffgen. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 siegfried bayreuth

1 août 1962 : Die Gotterdammerung. Festival de Bayreuth. Kempe. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Cordes. Meyfarth. Frick. Bence. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 die gotterdammerung bayreuth

4 août 1962 : Tristan und Isolde. Festival de Bayreuth. Bohm. Windgassen. Greindl. Birgit Nilsson (Isolde). Waechter. Moeller. Meyer.

14 août 1962 : Tristan und Isolde. Festival de Bayreuth. Bohm. Windgassen. Greindl. Birgit Nilsson (Isolde). Waechter. Moeller. Meyer.

1962 tristan und isolde bayreuth nilsson windgassen

7 septembre 1962 : Siegfried. Londres Royal Opera House Covent Garden. Solti. Stolze. Windgassen. Ward. Kraus. Rouleau. Siewert. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde).

11 septembre 1962 : Siegfried. Londres Royal Opera House Covent Garden. Solti. Stolze. Windgassen. Ward. Kraus. Rouleau. Siewert. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde).

14 septembre 1962 : Siegfried. Londres Royal Opera House Covent Garden. Solti. Stolze. Windgassen. Ward. Kraus. Rouleau. Siewert. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde).

17 septembre 1962 : Siegfried. Londres Royal Opera House Covent Garden. Solti. Stolze. Windgassen. Ward. Kraus. Rouleau. Siewert. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 siegfried londres

28 septembre 1962 : Die Walkure. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Uhl. Van Mill. Hotter. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Brouwenstijn. Boese. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 die walkure buenos aires

30 septembre 1962 : Die Walkure. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Uhl. Van Mill. Hotter. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Brouwenstijn. Boese.

5 octobre 1962 : Die Walkure. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Uhl. Van Mill. Hotter. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Brouwenstijn. Boese.

7 octobre 1962 : Die Walkure. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Uhl. Van Mill. Hotter. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Brouwenstijn. Boese.

12 octobre 1962 : Siegfried. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Kraus. Hotter. Pernerstorfer. Algorta. Hoffgen. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 siegfried buenos aires

14 octobre 1962 : Siegfried. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Kraus. Hotter. Pernerstorfer. Algorta. Hoffgen.

18 octobre 1962 : Siegfried. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Kraus. Hotter. Pernerstorfer. Algorta. Hoffgen.

21 octobre 1962 : Siegfried. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Kraus. Hotter. Pernerstorfer. Algorta. Hoffgen.

26 octobre 1962 : Die Gotterdammerung. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Mattielo. Brouwenstijn. Van Mill. Boese. ENREGISTREMENT LIVE.

1962 gotterdammerung buenos aires

28 octobre 1962 : Die Gotterdammerung. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Mattielo. Brouwenstijn. Van Mill. Boese.

31 octobre 1962 : Die Gotterdammerung. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Mattielo. Brouwenstijn. Van Mill. Boese.

4 novembre 1962 : Die Gotterdammerung. Teatro Colon Buenos Aires. Wallberg. Hopf. Birgit Nilsson (Brunnhilde). Mattielo. Brouwenstijn. Van Mill. Boese.

6 décembre 1962 : Tosca. Royal Opera de Stockholm. Grevillius. Birgit Nilsson (Floria Tosca). Andersson. Bjorling.

15 décembre 1962 : Un ballo in maschera. Staatsoper Vienne. De Fabritiis. Zampieri. Protti. Birgit Nilsson (Amelia). Cvejic. Maikl. Frese. Franc. Guthrie.

16 décembre 1962 : DIE GOTTERDAMMERUNG (BBC THIRD PROGRAMME) Music drama by Wagner Chorus and Orchestra of the BAYREUTH FESTIVAL Chorus-Master, Wilhelm Pitz Conducted by RUDOLF KEMPE Produced by Wolfgang Wagner.  Siegfried: Hans Hopf (tenor) Gunther: Marcel Cordes (baritone) Alberich: Otakar Kraus (baritone) Hagen: Gottlob Frick (bass) Brünnhilde: Birgit Nilsson (soprano) Gutrune: Jutta Meyfarth (soprano) Woglinde: Gundula Janowitz (soprano) Wellgunde: Elisabeth Schwarzenberg (soprano) Flosshilde: Sieglinde Wagner (contralto) waltraute: Margaret Bence (contralto) Three Norns: Elisabeth Schartel Three Norns: Grace Hoffmann Three Norns: Gertrude Hopf (soprano)

19 décembre 1962 : Tosca. Staatsoper Vienne. De Fabritiis. Birgit Nilsson (Floria Tosca). Uzunov. Hotter.

28 décembre 1962 : Tosca. Royal Opéra de Stockholm. Grevillius. Birgit Nilsson (Floria Tosca). Andersson. Bjorling.

Date inconnue : Aida. Londres. Pritchard. Birgit Nilsson (Aida). Ottolini. Hoffman. Quilico. ENREGISTREMENT STUDIO.

1962 aida londres

Mise à jour : Pierre Marchais 20240818