Wagner: Tristan und Isolde (Bayreuth 1970)

The last Tristan of Wolfgang Windgassen, Birgit Nilsson and Karl Böhm in Bayreuth. From 1962 to 1970 this production was seen in Bayreuth Festival and it became a landmark production.

Tristan: Wolfgang Windgassen
Isolde: Birgit Nilsson
Kurwenal: Gustav Neidlinger
Marke: Martti Talvela
Melot: Reid Bunger
Brangäne: Grace Hoffman
Ein Hirt: Hermin Esser
Ein Steuermann: Bengt Rundgren
Junger Seemann: Hermin Esser

Bayreuth Festival Orchestra and Chorus
Karl Böhm, conductor
Wieland Wagner, director
Wilhelm Pitz, chorus master

Live recording at Bayreuth Festspielhaus
July 24,1970

For cultural purposes only.

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