ELEKTRA by Richard Strauss
Paris Opera, 11-25 April 1975
Opéra de Paris (Paris Opera)
Chorus and Orchestra of Paris Opera
Conducted by Karl Bohm
Production - Palais Garnier
Mise en scene - August Everding
Scénographie/Costumes - Andrzei Majewski
CAST (11-25 April 1975, 4 performances)
Birgit Nilsson (Elektra)
Leonie Rysanek (Chrysothemis)
Astrid Varnay (Klytemnestra)
Richard Lewis (Aegisth)
Hans Sotin (Orest)
Jean-Louis Soumagnas (Tutor of Orest)
Robert Dumé (A Young Servant)
Fernand Dumont (An Old Servant)
Hélia T'Hézan (Overseer)
Jocelyne Taillon (First Maid)
Anna Ringart (Second Maid)
Francine Arrauzau (Third Maid)
Hélène Garetti (Fouth Maid)
Éliane Lublin (Fifth Maid)
Maryse Acerra (Trainbearer of Klytemnestra)
[NOTE: The CD that I bought only listed this recording as coming from 1975 with no specific date. It could be any from 11th to 25th of April 1975.]
Date: 30 May - 12 June 1974 [4 performances]
Conductor - Karl Bohm
Birgit Nilsson (Elektra)
Leonie Rysanek (Chrysothemis)
Christa Ludwig (Klytemnestra)
Richard Cassilly (Aegisth)
Tom Krause (Orest)
Jean-Louis Soumagnas (Tutor of Orest)
Robert Dumé (A Young Servant)
Michel Marsetti (An Old Servant)
Josée Vemian (Overseer)
Jocelyne Taillon (First Maid)
Anna Ringart (Second Maid)
Simone Codinas (Third Maid)
Hélène Garetti (Fouth Maid)
Éliane Lublin (Fifth Maid)
Maryse Acerra (Trainbearer of Klytemnestra)
Date: 2 to 23 Oct 1975 [6 performances]
Conductor - Charles Mackerras
Ursula Schroeder-Feinen (Elektra)
Arlene Saunders (Chrysothemis)
Astrid Varnay (Klytemnestra)
Richard Lewis (Aegisth)
Hans Sotin (Orest)
Fernand Dumont (Tutor of Orest)
Robert Dumé (A Young Servant)
Jean Rallo (An Old Servant)
Hélia T'Hézan (Overseer)
Jocelyne Taillon (First Maid)
Francine Arrauzau (Second Maid)
Huguette Brachet (Third Maid)
Hélène Garetti (Fourth Maid)
Éliane Lublin (Fifth Maid)
Maryse Acerra (Trainbearer of Klytemnestra)
Date: 5 - 22 November 1976 [5 performances]
Conductor - Horst Stein
Birgit Nilsson/Ursula Schroeder-Feinen (Elektra)
Teresa Kubiak (Chrysothemis)
Christa Ludwig/Anny Shclemm (Klytemnestra)
Louis Roney (Aegisth)
Hans Sotin (Orest)
Jean-Louis Soumagnas (Tutor of Orest)
Robert Dumé (A Young Servant)
Jean Rallo (An Old Servant)
Hélia T'Hézan (Overseer)
Jocelyne Taillon (First Maid)
Anna Ringart (Second Maid)
Huguette Brachet (Third Maid)
Hélène Garetti (Fourth Maid)
Éliane Lublin (Fifth Maid)
Maryse Acerra (Trainbearer of Klytemnestra)
Date: 29 November - 7 December 1977 [3 performances]
Conductor - Marek Janowski
Danica Mastilovic (Elektra)
Arlene Saunders (Chrysothemis)
Christa Ludwig/Anny Schlemm (Klytemnestra)
Louis Roney (Aegisth)
Franz Mazura (Orest)
Jean-Louis Soumagnas (Tutor of Orest)
Robert Dumé (A Young Servant)
Fernand Dumont (An Old Servant)
Katie Clarke (Overseer)
Jocelyne Taillon (First Maid)
Anna Ringart (Second Maid)
Hélène Garetti (Fourth Maid)
? (Third Maid)
Danièle Chlostawa (Fifth Maid)
Maryse Acerra (Trainbearer of Klytemnestra)
00:00 - Prelude
00:11 - "Where is Elektra? This is the hour when she howls for her father!"
05:20 - "Alone, all alone! Father is gone, buried in the cold grave."
11:09 - "Just as stars scatter in the sky or broken jars violently pour out its content... so will blood gush from their throats!"
15:07 - "I heard they are plotting to lock us up in the tower."
17:23 - "I cannot just sit and stare into the void like you do"
23:18 - "Stay out of her way today, our mother had a bad dream and screaming in her sleep as if being strangled. They said she dreamt about Orest!"
25:46 - "What does she want from me? She looks as if she would kill me! And how could I let that thing freely roam in this house!"
28:14 - "But you are a goddess yourself"
30:21 - "I will not listen to your nonsense"
34:34 - "Leave me alone with her!"... "I've been having nightmares again, do you know any remedy for bad dreams?"
40:47 - "When the correct blood is sacrificed, your nightmares will finally end"
44:03 - "What blood must flow? Blood from your own neck, when the hunter has caught you!"
45:51 - "Lights!... More lights!"
47:24 - Klytemnestra receives news that her son Orest was killed
48:06 - "Orest is dead! Orest is dead!"
54:16 - Elektra lures Chrysothemis to murder their mother
58:52 - "I will do the deed alone!"
1:08:12 - "The dogs in the yard recognize me, but my sister does not?"
1:17:45 - "Be silent, or risk our murderous plot to be uncovered!"
1:21:58 - "Strike her once again!"
1:23:16 - Scene with Aegisth
1:26:57 - "Help! Murder! Does nobody hear me? They are murdering me!"
1:28:13 - "Elektra, sister! Come with us! Our brother Orest has returned!"
1:30:06 - "How can I not hear the music? It comes from within me!"
1:33:44 - "Be silent, and DANCE!"
1:37:08 - "Bravo! Bravo!"
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